
All of the info at a quick glance

Our platform will display all of your server's info, resource usage, and health at a quick glance, accessed right from your Uptime Monitors dashboard. You'll be able to see server stats such as System Uptime, Operating System and Kernel Version, CPU Model/Speed, along with resource usage for your CPU, RAM, network, and disks. The interface also includes more advanced features such as your drive health and RAID health, which should always be monitored in order to prevent downtimes. Last but not least, you can monitor your server's running services, and view the number of connections for specified ports. We'll dig deeper into all of these features further down on this page. The entire interface will seamlessly pull new data from our platform without the need for you to refresh the page.

Server Info

Your server info and private notes

The very first top panel will contain insightful info about your server, along with your private notes regarding this particular server, which you can modify without closing the server stats panel. Here you'll also be able to configure alerts for when your server agent hasn't sent any data in over X minutes.

Resource Usage Alerts

Easily configured Resource Usage Alerts

You can set up alerts related to any of the monitored metrics with just a few clicks, without having to leave the server stats page. Resource usage alerts can be configured for each server monitor individually or for multiple server monitors at once using our Bulk Actions. Monitoring these resources is a very good example of how you can proactively prevent outages, for instance by taking action on high CPU usage before it gets to max out your CPU and your apps start crashing; or by taking action if your network usage is getting too high, before you'd reach your monthly bandwidth allocation and you'd either be cut off or start incurring extra charges from your provider.

Drive Health

Monitor the health of your storage drives

It's always a good idea to monitor your drives' health so you can always know when their wearout is about to hit critical levels. This way you can schedule a planned maintenance and replace the affected drive(s) instead of wearing them out until they start failing and causing an unexpected downtime. Our platform can send you warnings on high wearout levels, when errors start appearing on your drives, and even when SMART tests start failing on your server. This being just one example of proactively preventing downtimes by using our server monitor to get alerts before things start failing.

RAID Health

Monitor the health of your RAID

You'd never want to find out that your RAID has broken exactly when you need it the most, for instance when you need to rely on it for data redundancy. With our server monitor you can easily keep track of your RAID's health and receive alerts when its condition gets degraded or critical. This way you can take action and fix it while your drives are all in good condition, as opposed to trying to rebuild the RAID when one or more drives have already failed and you need that data redundancy that a healthy RAID would provide. This would be yet another example of proactively preventing an outage for your servers and infrastructure.

Services & Ports

Monitor your running Services and Port Connections

Our server monitor can track the health condition of specified services on your server, and send you alerts if any of these are found to be down. This is especially good to use because regular Uptime Monitoring may not necessarily detect if a particular service on your server has crashed, for instance if you Uptime Monitor your website, it would not detect an outage if your firewall service stopped working. So we'd recommend using the service monitor feature to keep an eye on all of your critical services. Furthermore, with our Port Connections tracker you can actively keep an eye on how many current connections there are established on specific ports towards your server.

Running Processes

View the currently running processes

With our server monitor you're able to view the currently running processes on your server, along with useful info about each of them, such as how much CPU and RAM they are using. Our interface also allows you to click on any Parent ID to view all of its sub-processes, click on any Process ID to view its full running command, click on any user to view all of its running processes, and click on any process to view all running processes with that name. This always comes in handy if you wish to have a quick overview of what's currently running on your server.

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