SNDS Platform

Add your IPs to the SNDS platform

In order to start monitoring the SNDS blacklist, you'll first need to add all of your IPs on the SNDS platform. This can be easily done, as explained in our documentation, here: Adding your IPs to Microsoft Outlook SNDS

Automated Access

Grant our platform access

Once you've added all of your IPs to the SNDS platform, you'll have to enable the 'automated data access' feature and get your SNDS key. This will allow our platform to monitor your SNDS account and all of the IPs in there, and let you know when you're getting blacklisted. The process is very easy and it only takes a few clicks; it's all described step by step in our documentation, here: Enable automated data access for your Microsoft Outlook SNDS account

Start Monitoring

Configure the SNDS key into your HetrixTools account

Last step will be to input your SNDS key into your HetrixTools account, so that our platform can periodically check-up and monitor the IPs in your SNDS account. This is the easiest step, as you only have to copy/paste the SNDS key into your account settings, as explained in our documentation, here: Add your Microsoft SNDS Key to your HetrixTools account

All Done

Your SNDS monitoring is now active

You're all set now. Our platform will keep monitoring the IPs in your SNDS account and you'll be notified when any of them get blacklisted or delisted.

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