
Beautiful & Insightful

Our Uptime Status Page allows you to beautifully display your Uptime Reports to your users and clients, containing all of the information that they'd need to view your network's status at a quick glance. The overall uptime percentage cumulated for all of the displayed monitors, the top side announcement, and the daily status for each monitor, are just a few of the things that are quickly noticed and can provide a good overview for your users in just a few seconds. They can, of course, dig further into your uptime statistics by accessing each individual Uptime Report, or scroll back through your uptime timeline by using the back/forward history buttons on your status page.


Let your users know what's happening

Keeping your users informed on your current network status is critical for your transparency as a company. Don't keep your clients in the dark, and instead start building up their trust by letting them know when a downtime occurs. Furthermore, by keeping your users in the loop, you'll also drastically lower the newly opened tickets during an outage, allowing your staff to focus on the outage itself and not on explaining the outage in every ticket or email.

White Label

Make it your own

Our White Label system allows you to fully customize your Uptime Status Page, using your own domain or subdomain, configuring the logo/favicon/color to match your website, selecting between a light or dark mode, and even embedding the status page into your website.


Group and sort your displayed monitors

Categories allow you to neatly group your monitors however you'd like, for instance based on their type, or based on the role they play in your infrastructure. Simply assign a Category Name to your Uptime Monitors and our system will do the rest when displaying them in your Uptime Status Page. You can even arrange the order in which monitors are displayed within a Category, and the order in which Categories are displayed within your Uptime Status Page.

Twitter Feed

Twitter timeline right on the Status Page

Do you have a Twitter account dedicated just to keeping your users informed of your network's status? Or do you simply wish to have your main Twitter account be displayed on your Uptime Status Page? You can easily do that on our platform, allowing you to place your Twitter feed on either the right or left side of your Uptime Status Page.

Password Protected

Share only with certain people

If you wish to share a Status Page with only certain people, for instance just with your work colleagues, then you can easily configure a password to protect said Status Page. The password works on a per Status Page basis, so you could have both a public Status Page and a password protected Status Page at the same time, for different purposes, shared with different people.


How to build your own Uptime Status Page

To read more about how you can easily create one, head on to our Documentation and in just a few easy steps you'll have your own Uptime Status Page.

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